Father and Son Master Masons Present Benjamin Franklin Program by PM Paul Gordon

Bro. Glen Witt and Bro. Adam Witt demonstrate Benjamin Franklin's lightning bells experiment.

Bro. Glen Witt and Bro. Adam Witt demonstrate Benjamin Franklin’s lightning bells experiment.

Brother Glen Witt and his son, Brother Adam Witt, who are both Master Masons, presented a very well received program at a recent Brothers and Guests night meeting at BFL#83. The topic of the presentation was “Electrical Experiments of Benjamin Franklin”. Brother Glen has long been interested in electrical experiments, and demonstrated some of Franklin’s innovations with some of his electrical equipment. He and Brother Adam also have a small library of books about Benjamin Franklin. Brother Adam gave a power point presentation about Franklin’s general background and his specific interest in electricity. Franklin was largely self–educated and received only Honorary degrees.

By Robert Blackburn

BFL#83 Attends Combined Table Lodge for 2012 by PM Paul Gordon

Four members of Benjamin Franklin Lodge #83 attended the Ninth Annual Combined Table Lodge on March 29th. The Joint Hosts were the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Inc., Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin, and Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin. The Table Lodge was held at the Prince Hall Masonic Center in Milwaukee. This has become one of the premier yearly events in Wisconsin Masonry and there was a sold out full house in attendance. Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Brother Minor King, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden of Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge.

By Robert Blackburn